Including ... Featured Articles • President's Messages • Attorney Questions of the Month • Book Reviews 


Lessons from the Case of Kyle Rittenhouse Part 2 (December 2021)

Lessons from the Case of Kyle Rittenhouse (November 2021)

The Expert Witness and Trial Strategy: Pt 2 (October 2021) 

The Expert Witness and Trial Strategy: Pt 1 (September 2021)

Trusts for Armed Citizens. Attorney John Harris explains the overlap between trusts for asset protection and the armed citizens’ concerns about personal liability. (August 2021)

Values and Risks of Self Defense Incident VideoNew Hampshire attorney Penny Dean is a proponent of video with audio used to create a record of events but warns that its use in defending against criminal charges may not be a foregone conclusion. (July 2021)

Avoiding Attacks While Driving. Marcus Wynn discusses the need for situational awareness; recognizing and avoiding incidents while driving. (June 2021)

The Current State of Stand Your Ground. Jim Fleming discusses the current state of stand your ground laws compared against how the duty to retreat works in states that do not have that provision. (May 2021)

Decisions about Member Assistance. How is the Network’s Legal Defense Fund managed and who decides when and how its resources are used to pay for the legal defense of a member after legitimate use of force in self defense? (Apr 2021)

Beyond Black Letter Law. Attorney Rob Keating discusses case law. How Appellate court decisions affect the enforcement of statutory law. (Mar 2021) Follow Up to Keating's Article (Apr 2021)

Rallies, Riots and Protests Part 2. An interview with Marc MacYoung. Continuing the discussion from last month, MacYoung talks about survival strategies and preparation for various situations, including protesters marching through your residential neighborhood, being caught in a mob while you're just trying to get home from work some night, or being in a restaurant that is attacked by packs of protesters. (Feb 2021)

Defending Against First Degree Murder Charges. An Interview with Attorney Edward Levy. Learn from a real-life situation how vital having an attorney in your self defense case can be. (Jan 2021)

Rallies, Protests and Riots - Part 1. An Interview with Marc MacYoung. Learn indications that crowds are becoming violent and survival strategies to avoid getting caught up in the violence. (Jan 2021)

President's Message 

President's Message:  $3,000,000 Defense Fund(August 2021)

President's Message:  WA Office of Insurance Commissioner Discovery (July 2021)

President's Message:  Making the Decision to Fund an Act of Self Defense(June 2021)

President's Message: Social Media, Chauvin Trial. (May 2021)

President's Message: Insurance companies. (Apr 2021)

President's Message: Rush Limbaugh. The Future of the Network. Gun Talk Radio. Preparedness. WA State OIC Fight. (Mar 2021)

President's Message: Take a Deep Breath. The Great 2020/2021 Ammo Shortage. Do You Train in the Martial Arts? Marty in the Media. (Feb 2021)

President's Message: Looking Back. Our Record of Supporting Members. Looking forward... (Jan 2021)

Attorney Question

Attorney Question of the Month, Part 2 If the spouse of an armed citizen is under court order that makes it illegal for the spouse to own or possess firearms, in your state may the armed citizen have his or her firearms in their shared residence?

If so, what safeguards do you suggest to prevent a claim that the prohibited spouse was in possession of firearms? What advice would you offer a young mother whose husband is ineligible to possess a firearm, for example, who wanted a gun to defend herself and her family? (July 2021, August 2021)

Attorney Question of the Month: Do your state’s laws give immunity from prosecution and/or lawsuit if one’s actions are found to have been reasonable and necessary by reason of self defense? What is the court process to access those protections?

If your state does not have a stand your ground law, what can the citizen who uses force in self defense do to avoid prosecution, or avoid conviction, or a lawsuit seeking damages? (June 2021)

Attorney Question of the MonthPart 2 When armed citizens vacation in your state, what weapon and self-defense laws are they most likely to be unaware of and may inadvertently violate? If a Network member is planning to vacation in your state, what advice would you offer about their self-defense weapons and provisions? (Mar 2021(Apr 2021)

Attorney Question of the Month: What is the process in your state for presenting an affirmative defense of use of force in self defense? What are the potential impediments that may result in a judge denying a self-defense argument? If denied the ability to argue self defense, what steps would you take to get the best outcome for your client? (Feb 2021 - Part 2)(Jan 2021 - Part 1)

Book/DVD Reviews

Book Review: Washington, A Life By Ron Chernow (August 2021)

Book Review: Safety Doesn't Have to be Scary Safety Doesn't Have to be Scary By Marc MacYoung (July 2021)

Book Review: Understanding Force from Shouting to ShootingBy Charles “Sid” Heal(June 2021)

Book Review: The Snubby Revolver The ECQ, Backup and Concealed Carry Standard by Ed Lovette.The Snubby Revolver The ECQ, Backup and Concealed Carry Standard by Ed Lovette. topics range from carry methods and holsters to revolver frame size, and much more. (May 2021)

Book Review: The Ultimate Survival Medicine Guide: Emergency Preparedness for ANY Disaster by Joseph Alton M.D., and Amy Alton, ARNP. Armed citizens put a high value on learning when and how to stop someone who intends to injure or kill them or their loved ones and rightly so. With so much focus on staying alive, it is ironic that we’re often less interested in learning how to avoid injury or disease. (Apr 2021)

Book Review: Seconds to Live or Die: Life-Saving Lessons from a Former CIA Officer by Robert Montgomery. Free of the jargon and bluster common to a lot of self-defense books, the first half of Seconds to Live or Die is an engaging and educational introduction. (Mar 2021)

Book Review: Choose Adventure: Safe Travel in Dangerous Places by Greg Ellifritz. Safety advice for travelers, such as assessing the neighborhood you are staying in, being in crowded areas or sporting events, and other dangers that could arise during your stay. (Feb 2021)

Book Review: The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist. A True Story of Injustice in the American South by Radley Balko and Tucker Carrington. This book spotlights the rush to convict, and how unquestioning adherence to law-and-order policies allows false accusations and convictions, while leaving murderers free to continue victimizing the population. (Jan 2021)